

Recommended for Beginners: Establishing a Simple Trend-Following Method Using a Single Moving Average (Set to 20)

This article is a trading strategy guide after a long break. Today, I’m introducing an ultra-simple method using the moving average (MA), which is likely the most commonly used tool in chart analysis for stocks, forex, and other markets. (,,>᎑<,,) Since this strategy uses only one moving average, it is easily replicable for beginners. I…


[New Trading Strategy] The Backtesting Results of the “Strong Rate Zone Targeting Method” are Astounding!

Hello, good evening, and long time no see! It’s Pippi here (*´∇`*) I’ve been quite busy with real trading recently and couldn’t allocate time for backtesting, so this article is a bit delayed. However, I have finally completed the backtesting of the “Strong Rate Zone Targeting Method.” I’d like to share the backtesting results and…