

Purchasing Forex Tester, a Forex Testing Software Well-Regarded for Its Multi-Time Frame Support

Is it even necessary to test in FX trading? The answer is definitely yes! The typical flow from the start to the end (settlement) of an FX trade involves “analyzing,” “taking a position using a strategy,” and “settling.” Analysis in FX Trading First, it usually starts with chart analysis (technical analysis). The analysis methods typically…


Recommended for Beginners: Establishing a Simple Trend-Following Method Using a Single Moving Average (Set to 20)

This article is a trading strategy guide after a long break. Today, I’m introducing an ultra-simple method using the moving average (MA), which is likely the most commonly used tool in chart analysis for stocks, forex, and other markets. (,,>᎑<,,) Since this strategy uses only one moving average, it is easily replicable for beginners. I…


[New Trading Strategy] The Backtesting Results of the “Strong Rate Zone Targeting Method” are Astounding!

Hello, good evening, and long time no see! It’s Pippi here (*´∇`*) I’ve been quite busy with real trading recently and couldn’t allocate time for backtesting, so this article is a bit delayed. However, I have finally completed the backtesting of the “Strong Rate Zone Targeting Method.” I’d like to share the backtesting results and…